Westland Wessex HC.2
Scale: 1/32

Manufacturer: Fly
Parts used: Out Of The Box
Main paints used: Tamiya and Hataka

In part one, we work on the scratch building of the main cabin.

In Part two, we carry on with the work on the cabin and scratch build some quilting for the room lining and then add the wiring and weather the cabin in oils.

In part three, we bring the fuselage half’s together and fill and sand the seams.

In Part four, we start on the cockpit area and the exterior detailing

In part Five, we add the photo-etched details and then make the harnesses with Tamiya tape and a sharpie before installing the clear parts and filling for the best fit possible

In Part Six, we did some last minute seam checks and fix a few small problems and then in the Spay bay for priming and a coat of Medium sea grey and the UN blue band.

In part seven, we Decal and then build and paint the rotors before moving into the weathering stage

In part Eight, we use oils to subtly weather the grey paint work.

In this final part, we bring it all together with adding all the lights and small parts ready for the final reveal.

Thanks for Watching!!