Sherman ”Easy Eight”
Scale: 1/35
Manufacturer: Tamiya (TASCA)
Parts used: Out Of the Box
Main paints used: Tamiya and Gunze
In part one we start in the Tracks and road wheels and the start on the lower Hull.
In part Two we work our way through the build and get it ready for priming and the painting stage.
In part three we add the final details and move into priming and painting the road wheels
In part four we add the Black camo work and then dry brush to start the weathering
In part Five we carry on with the dry brushing and then start work on the track and work with the oils.
In part Six we work on the tracks painting and weathering the tracks along with the Hull and then install the tracks.
In part Seven we look at the storage and look at working with the resin and how to get started with it and painting.
In Part Eight we start weathering the Sherman with oils give streaking and weathering to the paintwork.
In part nine we finish off the oil work and then start in the full weathering effects with the pigments.
In Part Ten we finish of the Sherman and start work on the base.
In the final part of this great build, we finish off the base and bring it all together for the final reveal