Scale: 1/48

Manufacturer: Trumpeter
Parts used: Out Of the Box In flight display
Main paints used: Vallejo

In part one we Start on the cockpit and fuselage

In part to we take a look at sanding the seam lines for the perfect finish and then add all the air scoops etc.

In Part Three we Re scribe and re-rivet and the mask up and attach the canopy.

In part Four we move over to the Spray booth and start work on the natural metal finish

In part five we post shade the NMF with a mix of Vallejo metal colors and the start with the weathering.

In Part Six we remove the wash and work on the Acrylic rod and bend it with a heat gun and cut and sand to mount to the base.

In that final hour part, we bring it all together ready for the final reveal.