Daily Show Friday 13th August 2021
Monday. https://www.florymodels.org/zvezda-135-ural-4320
Tuesday. https://youtu.be/u43FbQnV9tI
Wednesday. https://youtu.be/NIRbseNGZuU
Thursday. https://youtu.be/M4fMtJZL8cg
Friday. https://www.florymodels.org/airfix-172-avro-vulcan
This week's reviews. Border models.
1/35 Bf109 G-6 https://youtu.be/ahZTTguCNwE
Airfix 1/48 De Havilland Chipmunk T.10 https://youtu.be/0jcmcGyRHkA
Zvezda 1/72 Hawker Hurricane II.C https://youtu.be/gYd8cZSvqxQ
In part four, we paint the intakes and wheel wells with Tamiya white and then get the top wing area together. We fixed a few small gaps with filler and join the tp and lower wing area together