Well, what a weekend!! & Part 8 of the skyraider build.

Well, what a weekend !!!
I think we can all agree that Flory fest 2022 was a massive success 🙂
Six live shows over the three days, what a great time and it flew by.
A massive thank you to the team and for Nathan doing the Saturday night quiz, to all Flory members for making it a great weekend 😃
To say we had a few orders is an understatement and hope to get the last out tomorrow, so thank you for your patients.

The Flory fest area has been moved to the archive of completed group builds area and I have edited all the show onto the pinned topic at the bigging of the thread. HERE

There's no PM show tomorrow as Matt and the team are busy getting all your orders out but will be back with you next week.

Bellow is part eight of the Trumpeter 1/32 Skyraider build to keep you going 🙂

There is a live show on Thursday night at 7:30pm so we'll be back with you then and hopefully, all caught up by then and back to normal. So until then happy modeling and take care.

In part eight, we move into the decaling and bed those down nicely. We next make the missing kit tail light and then time for a flat coat ready for weathering. Last up we paint and decal the weapons.

Phil Flory