Daily show 21st July 2022

Firstly, thank you all so much for your very kind word with the loss of a much-loved member of the flory team.
Molly wasn't just our dog she was my best friend and constant companion by my side from doing emails first thing in the morning sitting in the chair next to me, to going with me to the unit in the garden to do the orders ( and nibbling the corners of your orders) through to coming in the studio when filming and being thrown out for chewing a bone to loud. And of course, barking and going mad when Tams comes home from work on a Thursday night live show and having to mute the mic.

We'll miss her jumping up on the live shows to steal the limelight and cause chaos.
It's been such a shock, as she was fine up to Sunday night, and to have her looked at on Monday morning where they sent off bloods etc as she just seemed quiet, Too quiet and you all know what molly was like!!!
At this point, she wasn't eating and that's not molly at all, bloods came back and it was shown her red blood cell count very very low, so more bloods Tuesday and was on an IV drip but was very poorly. She was moved to a special hospital Tuesday night and we brought her back Wednesday morning to our vet but she was going downhill fast but bloods confirmed she had leukaemia..
Her liver then stopped working and we had to make the hardest decision.

So to be honest there's no live show tonight and I've written off the week as a whole as I haven't got much done at all.
But I'll be back at it Monday and Matt has the next part of his figure painting for you tomorrow.
Thanks again to all the Flory family you are amazing

Phil Flory