HK 1/48 B-25J Mitchell Video Build Part 6

0:00 We base coat the interior green color to the outside of the clear parts so they will show the green from the inside.

0:55 We put a coat of black XF-85 Tamiya over the green to colorfast the framework ensuring a solid look.

3:26 Priming with model with AK Grey Miro filler primer AK758 with a few drops of Mr Hobby quick-drying lacquer thinners.

8:33 Next we move on to the grey underside, for this, we use Hataka C033 thinned 40/60 with Rapid Thinners.

21:52 Next we lighten the grey with a drop of Tamiya LP2 white and thin 30/70 with Rapid thinners and blow in the center of panels to lighten.

26:07 We add another drop of white(now 2 drops) to the grey and repeat but this time just in a few areas.

30:12 New we add a drop of black to the grey and post shade on the panel lines and access hatches etc.

Phil Flory