Meng 1/35 AH-64D Apache Part 11
Meng 1/35 AH-64D Apache Part 11
0:00 To start we put down an Ultra Matt finish, this is for sealing and covering the decals but also to give a texture to the clay wash and oils to grip too. 2:49 Next it's time to dry brush the models to bring out the raised details. For this, we use a mix of light grey and Neutral grey. 14:50 Time to Unmask and have a look at the Engines and the cockpit to see how they look and get ready for the weathering. 25:36 Next up it's time to put on a Dust wash to give a weathered look, we use a mix of 90% Flory models FMW009 Dust wash and 10% Flory models FMW005 Sand wash, thinned with tape water and brushed on the model and left to fully dry.