Airfix 1/72 BAe Nimrod Part 4

Airfix 1/72 BAe Nimrod Part 4

0:00 To start with, we sand the seams we'd filled on the wing roots and tail plans and then install the gear doors in the closed position for our in-flight look. 10:19 Next, it's over to the spray booth to put down a coat of black around the glass areas and the wing roots to check the seams. 12:41 Once dry it's time for the primer and the first time I've used the Mr Hobby Aqueous Surfacer primer 1000. This sprayed beautifully and gave a great satin finish. 16:08 We move to the workbench for a close look and find a few small dents that need filling with a little drop of Mr Surfacer and allowed to dry fully. We also looked at the colors we'll be using and picked the one that looked right to us. 25:45 We decided on Hataka C217 Light Aircraft Grey BS627 and put down two coats.

Phil Flory